The Empowerment of Black Women in the Workplace

As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s crucial that I remind my friends and colleagues that I celebrate my blackness every day. All too often I find myself in the middle of a divide fueled by political rhetoric that refuses to recognize my daily challenges. Being Black in The United States is challenging, to say the least. From watching people who look like me get killed to rearing and protecting my sons, I’m often exhausted. We live in a country that has historically harmed us, and often times, continues to do so in systemic ways. Black women’s voices are often marginalized as if our concerns aren’t valid. Angry. Loud. Aggressive. My ability to speak truth has been met with vitriol, being told “not to be so emotional”, that I should smile when speaking so others wouldn’t feel intimidated by my presence. Who specifically am I protecting? Harmful Tropes Hurt Black Women I’ve been called angry or aggressive. No one ever expects for a 5’11” Black woman to show up to be the lead executive running the meeting. So, imagine hearing that my attendance made some of my White male colleagues uncomfortable. Being intelligent wasn’t good enough; being articulate somehow evaded the qualifications to be in the room; being well-dressed didn’t give me grace. Creating a culture of recognizing and valuing Black women’s contributions to a company, and society at large, is paramount to a robust and successful organization. It’s always timely to correct issues when they are being demeaned or mistreated. We Need Black Female Leaders The empowerment of Black women in the workplace begins with ensuring that they are included in leadership at all levels. Having women in positions of leadership help to bring a more well-rounded perspective to the decision-making process and inspires upward movement for all women. In 2024, companies must be committed to ending lip service and providing a congenial and favorable work atmosphere. How To Be An Ally To Black Women Genuine allyship matters, including speaking up for and listening to Black women. Black women face unique challenges because of the intersection of both race and gender. The contributions of Black women have added to the well-being and success of business in this country and around the world. We’re strong and resilient. Be assured we have put in the work to be equal. All we want is to be seen and heard. Support black female leaders at work and on corporate boards! #blackhistorymonth2024 #blackwomenleaders #womenonboards #blackwomenintech #blackexcellence

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